Saturday, April 16, 2011

Welcome back, old friend

Guess who forgot there was a blog here?


To be fair, everyone also includes me. After jumping on the Facebook bandwagon I abandoned my Myspace account. It was silly to keep up with two social networking sites, especially when one was vastly superior. However, the main victim of my neglect was my Myspace blog, and its rich history of dreams and all sorts of random thoughts. OK, it wasn't ever deep or overly meaningful, but it was entertaining to keep up. Facebook decided it was too cool for blogs, so I located this site and started up what we have here.

Started up, then forgot about; probably because it wasn't connected to Facebook. I posted some links here, and had some hits, but after a while my habitual blogging fell out of habit. I was out of the loop, and eventually lost my own link in a shuffling and reorganizing of bookmarked websites.

Then today I rediscovered my long-lost blog. I'm happy about it. The best part is that since no one checks it out, I can pretty much say what I want. It's like having a journal that can be shared with total strangers, but not those who know me. That's a neat concept. Plus, using a blog is much more fun than slapping down some thoughts on paper; my writing is sloppy, and the storage is much easier when it's virtual.

I'm looking forward to getting back into the blogging lifestyle. With Twitter and the like, does anyone even do this anymore? Maybe I'm way behind, or maybe...I'm ahead of the curve.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Juggling and dropping the ball

School has been mostly annoying as of late; way too much information (interesting as it is), and it's taking up the bulk of my time and effort. There were a lot of nights where I wanted to keep up with my blog, but just couldn't on account of reading, reading, reading. However, that's OK in the sense that it's a necessary step in life. No sacrifice, no victory (two points for the reference). I'll have free time to really get in to this during summer.

Here's what I *really* don't like about school right now; the time it's taking up is directly affecting a lot of my friendships. Katelynn and I haven't said more than twenty things to each other in about a month (my theory is that she didn't approve of my skipping all the Micro exam two material to focus on Physiology). That sucks, hard. It's kind of awkward around her, but I'm hoping we sort things out eventually, because I'd be disappointed to lose her as a friend. I haven't done anything with Tiffany since before she left for Florida for Spring Break, since we're both busy (her more-so). That's lame too. I don't like it at all, but will have to weather the storm; I can't snap my fingers and make life simple. I've put off talking to Brittney, again due to loads of schoolwork. We both agreed that we've been lazy friends in the past few months, and I hope that that can change. Of course I haven't exchanged much with Eric, or Matt, or Jeirid either.

I'm getting the distinct impression that I'm the worst person to befriend ever. I'm not saying that to feel sorry for myself or get a heap of sympathy. It's just how it looks right now. Sigh, just one of many things I should be looking to work on in the next few weeks, along with the Kreb's cycle and how blood flow is controlled within the heart. Yay.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Makeout Party USA

The topic of kissing came up recently between myself and Tiffany Oliver. We were studying for Physiology at the Alpena public library, so of course our minds wandered. It was a brief part of the conversation, but got me to thinking; what is the big deal?

It's more the significance, the meaning, the purpose behind a kiss (and I mean lip on lip action, not a peck on the cheek); the physical act itself isn't that important. Anyone can go out and kiss someone, just like anyone can go and get married this instant; it's inconsequential if there's nothing behind it.
Handshakes were brought up; why isn't that a big deal? Think about who you'd shake hands with; an old friend, someone you just met, a customer you've just dealt with. Pretty much anybody. You could vow to shake hands with everyone you ever come in contact with. All a handshake means is that you recognize that another person is there, or that you're extending a greeting or a good-bye.
Now, would you kiss everyone you met? No, but why not? A kiss has a much deeper meaning behind it than just hello or good-bye. It's showing that you really like someone; hopefully, that you love them. It should have more meaning to it than today's cliche fast and hot and doomed relationships give it (but that's a talk for another day).

I think it's something that should be reserved for a meaningful relationship. I'm not sure how many people know this about me, but I have yet to kiss anyone. I'm not saying nobody would be surprised by that; I just don't advertise it much. Don't think that I'm ashamed of that fact; I'm actually very pleased with it. Some people may find this disturbing; it's just one of those things you're supposed to do in life, right? Have to have kissed someone, gotten drunk, had sex. It's what Americans are supposed to do, isnt it? I don't buy that; totally bunk, it I do say so myself.
One reason I don't bring it up is because I think it might make some people feel bad; I just have high standards in some aspects of my life, and don't want anyone to feel bad in comparison. I'm not about to start a crusade, or write books about it, because that's not what I'm about. I don't want to be 'that dude who won't kiss chicks' and have people swear off girls on account of my being able to; please don't set standards by what I've done, or not done. Live by what God wants.
I guess I'm just really happy that I have something really pure and innocent to (God-willing) give to my future wife (seriously, I only want to ever kiss the one I'm meant to be with. I hope that happens). There are some parts of my life I'm not too proud of; mistakes have been made, but not that one.

It's just nice to think that one day I'll be able to share my first kiss with someone that I truly love, and have it be all hers. Not some chick's that I thought was cute at camp, not a random drunken makeout session's, but hers. I pray all the time that this will be the case, and thank God that it still has the chance to happen some day.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

On a more serious note...

I've decided to make a new home for myself and my thoughts/ideas/random stories here, instead of using my blog on the Myspace. I just don't write seriously on there anymore. The stupid porno ads and goofy bulletins don't make for a compelling, enriching environment, so my blog is all dream recaps and daily hilarious quotes. Is that fun? Of course, but I'd rather write something meaningful that may actually apply to someone other than myself, and encourage a response, a moment of thoughtfullness.

Does that mean I'm going to start discussing abortion and politics? Probably not. Will I develop some inflated, pseudo-intellectual way of expressing myself that tries to come across as being over everyone else's heads? If I do, tell me to stop. What I will try to do is coherently write about my views and opinions, things that annoy me, what I'd like to change (or see changed). Some topics I may not touch on, because I'm still sorting them out. We'll see.