Saturday, April 16, 2011

Welcome back, old friend

Guess who forgot there was a blog here?


To be fair, everyone also includes me. After jumping on the Facebook bandwagon I abandoned my Myspace account. It was silly to keep up with two social networking sites, especially when one was vastly superior. However, the main victim of my neglect was my Myspace blog, and its rich history of dreams and all sorts of random thoughts. OK, it wasn't ever deep or overly meaningful, but it was entertaining to keep up. Facebook decided it was too cool for blogs, so I located this site and started up what we have here.

Started up, then forgot about; probably because it wasn't connected to Facebook. I posted some links here, and had some hits, but after a while my habitual blogging fell out of habit. I was out of the loop, and eventually lost my own link in a shuffling and reorganizing of bookmarked websites.

Then today I rediscovered my long-lost blog. I'm happy about it. The best part is that since no one checks it out, I can pretty much say what I want. It's like having a journal that can be shared with total strangers, but not those who know me. That's a neat concept. Plus, using a blog is much more fun than slapping down some thoughts on paper; my writing is sloppy, and the storage is much easier when it's virtual.

I'm looking forward to getting back into the blogging lifestyle. With Twitter and the like, does anyone even do this anymore? Maybe I'm way behind, or maybe...I'm ahead of the curve.

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